Friday, 21 August 2009

Swings N Roundabouts

I can officially call myself a writer!!!

Today I got my first 'rejection' letter. The first script I'd sent to the the BBC Writer's Room was returned this morning - however, you know - I'm OK about it!

Obviously I'm a wee bit disappointed, however, it's all part of the job and right from the beginning I was determined to never to be put off by what, let's face it, would be inevitable for a vast amount of submissions.

So instead of getting all down about it, I see it as a positive step - I sat down, wrote something (which I'm still proud of) and actually sent it off. Now, I have a script which I can still use, adapt, and most importantly - have learned from!

Let's face it - it may be the first - but it certainly won't be the last!

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