Monday 29 June 2009

Printy Time

There’s something amazingly satisfying when you actually print off a shiny new script. Even though it’s really just for the first draft and to go over it with a big red pen. Just printed of the first draft of ‘The Journal’. I’m going to be changing that title though – I know what it will be called so I’ll change it at the end.

Its really nice to actually feel those pages – gives a real sense of achievement.

And so very annoying when the ink runs out….

Thursday 25 June 2009


A postcard from the BBC Writers Room has just this very moment arrived in the post acknowledging that they have received the script I sent! I’m all excited not, not to mention being filled with horror that I really did send it in and that someone has actually seen it!

It’s a 15 page short, light hearted horror(ish) called ‘Terms & Conditions’.

I honestly don’t expect to hear any more about it – but you know what? I feel really good that I’ve actually gone and sent something in!

I feel all proper now!

Tuesday 16 June 2009

Second Away!

Yay! Sent off second project to the BBC Writersroom this morning. A fifteen page short film, so we’ll see how things go. To be honest, I’m not really expecting anything, however it’s good practice. I’m trying to set myself little deadlines and it’s always a good feeling to actually complete something solid.

I downloaded a really handy little book called ‘Making It As A Screenwriter’ by Adrian Mead. Really worth getting – loads of practical advice about stuff everyone expects you to know already! Totally recommend it :)

Friday 12 June 2009

Shorty Project

Pushed on yesterday and finished the little shorty project (Terms & Conditions) . Yay! Just printed it out for checking. Reading it on screen, I find I often miss glaringly obvious mistake which leap out when on an actual page!

I’ve also decided something too – I’m can officially call myself a ’screen writer’ the moment I get my first rejection letter!

Thursday 11 June 2009

On track for 15 pages

Almost finished the first draught of a little project called 'Terms & Conditions' that I plan to send in to the BBC Writer’s Room. Well – got to keep plugging away!

Monday 1 June 2009

Scary Bananas!Ret


I’ve done it! I’m not long back from a trip to the Post Office to send off the first ever thing I’ve ever sent off!!!!

I’d planned to get it off on Friday, but when I printed out the treatment and first 10 pages of the script, I noticed so many things that I hadn’t noticed on screen that I literally spent most of the morning and afternoon fixing them. I also did a few last minute changes to the script – taking out a couple scenes that suddenly didn’t seem to be needed.

One of the problems I had, was trying to figure out how to present it all. It seems to be a basic thing that everone seems to think that everyone knows already – so, I’ve sort of played it by ear by what little info I did manage to glean and just…

So, I’ve already probably annoyed people who may see it with my obviously blatant ignorance. Will most likely be a case of ‘Straight to bin you incompetant foollish wannabe!!! Begone! And never grace my desk again with your drivel!”

I need a nice cup of tea now…