Friday 29 January 2010


Just watched 'Drop' a short film by Gavin Toomey. It's a wonderful short film starring Russell Tovey & Antony Edridge and you should go and have a look at it right now!

I've spoken to Gavin a few times over on Twitter and he's a really nice chap who also writes and directs jolly good films.

Tuesday 26 January 2010

First Pitch

Ohh! I've just sent off my first proper pitch!



I don't hold out much hope, but what a fun way to start! The pitch was for a 25 minute audio over at Big Finish. (An opportunity that I have no doubt will be sought after by everyone and their budgie - and rightly so!)

Friday 8 January 2010

Chilly Fridays

With the grip of this freeze still making everything outside look crispy white and pretty, what better excuse to just stay in and tap away at the old laptop!
Today, I've started a rewrite of my very first project which I began last January. The first draft was finished about March and so it's about time that I took a fresh look at it and try to make it better. There are a few things about that have been bothering me, and hopefully I'll be able to polish it up. I've half a mind to enter it into another competition which closes in April, however, I haven't decided yet.
I really need to get some good, solid pieces together so I can maybe start to approach agents. However, I don't know if I'm good enough yet, so I'm still biding my time on that. Worst thing I could do is rush anything, however, at the same time, I don't want to dawdle too much either.
Oh sweet dilemma!
Oh! I just received a revised short story sketch - it's looking great! Even better than the first rough!

Thursday 7 January 2010

First Week of 2010

I've just finished my first script of 2010 and submitted it for a new competition via It's a 5 minute horror short but will depend on votes as to whether it goes any further to being judged. I think. Still getting my head around the site and how it works.
Lot's of fun to do though! I must admit to really enjoying dabbling in the horror thing, although my stuff is pretty tame and not particularly scary. All jolly good fun though.

A good way to start the year I think! I already feel that I've achieved something which must be good.

Monday 4 January 2010

Can't imagine what put this question into my head but: any New Year resolutions? And have you broken them already?

Hehehe! A superb question sir! My New Year resolutions begin tomorrow. They are..

Write more.
Drink less.
Lose 1 stone in weight.
Get organised.

So far, I haven't broken any! Go me!

Ask me anything

Sunday 3 January 2010

I was being a bitch wasn't I?

Not at all! ;)

Ask me anything

Why do you use Twitter?

I use Twitter because it is such a wonderful, open and friendly way to get to know new folks! I love it and have met some amazingly brilliant people! (Including the chap who asked this question!)

Ask me anything

If you could wake up as anyone tomorrow, who would it be?

Tomorrow, I would love to wake up as.... ME! I may not be perfect and I may not have everything I would like to have, but that's OK - I'm happy :)

Ask me anything

Do you actually mean, re. VS admin, he decided we weren't worth his time/money and left us? :p

Not at all. He devoted a lot of his time and passion to us however when the time was right, he moved on with his life :)

Ask me anything

What happened to that wonderful previous Vote Saxon Admin bloke?

We kidnapped him and stuck him in an unused WW2 bunker in a secret location where he now lives on gruel and endless re-runs of a certain well known British Sci-Fi series.

Ask me anything