Saturday, 29 August 2009


You remember that competition I was in the final held by Well, blow me down with a feather duster, if I didn't just go and win it!

I'm chuffed to bits to say the least and have probably bored everyone on the planet already in my excitement!

I was planning to put the prize money towards a shiny new Mac book, however they are rather pricey. I need to get some serious work done I think before I can afford one of those! However - all something to strive for! It's given me a real boost considering this was the first script I've submitted to a competition. Maybe there's hope for me yet!

I've also finished the proofreading I was doing - I really enjoy that. I've also been asked to do a short story for it which I'm about two thirds of the way through. Hopefully it will be good enough for inclusion - however, if not, it's all good. It means I have had some more valuable writing practice and had a pile of fun along the way!

Other news this week - I've booked a place for myself for the BBC Writers Room Roadshow which is visiting Dundee on October 14th. I'm hoping I'll hear back from them soon confirming my place so I can go ahead and book my train ticket.

I couldn't get to Frightfest in London, however I have been enjoying catching up with some scary flix on Film4's Frightfest season which they're running at the moment. I really am horribly behind on my movies! Last night I watched The Descent, on my own, dark room with headphones on.

Bad move.

I think it's actually the first film that has made me actually yelp out loud and nearly jump a mile at one point!
Afterwards I was desperate to get some nerve calming booze, however the only alcohol in the house was unfortunately in the cold, dark cellar and there was no way I was going down there!!!!

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