Right, done it – very short and completely crap.
I hate this first cover letter.
…. to stop farting around and get on with it!
I’ve set myself a deadline and that deadline is tomorrow. ( May 29th)
Tomorrow I send off the Treatment and first few pages of the script.
I’m currently at an absolute loss as to what to put in the cover letter though. I have no experience, but I don’t want that to go against me right from the start…. so, I think I’m just going to keep it as brief and bare as possible.
I’m actually feeling sick at the thought of actually sending this away. It’s a really weird feeling, however, the more I whack them off the easier it’ll get I suppose. I can just imagine myself making absolutely every mistake in the book….
… oh well….
Right – stop putting it off Magz!!!! GET ON WITH IT!!!!!!
Finally finished the Treatment! YAY! Fly the flags!
Then discovered at rather excellent web site that has a whole bundle of info about how to write one! DOH!
The site in question is rather cunningly called Writing Treatments. It tells you all the basic stuff you need to know – the sort of info that everyone seems to take for granted but is a bit of a mystery to timid little new writers like myself… at least I assume that’s the case – maybe it’s just me who doesn’t know after all!!!!
I opened up the old scriptorama again the other day after leaving it for a few days, and after having a couple of new ideas and additions which came to me at around 4:30 am (as they do) I’ve been doing a few more tweaks and small changes – behold the joys of Draft 5!!!!
I also bought some scary envelopes from Tesco the other day….
I know you can email submissions and stuff in however, there’s nothing quite like the feel of the printed page, and the satisfaction that I’ve given someone, somewhere the option of chucking something solid into the bin rather than just a boring and often quite unfulfiling press of the delete button! See how generous I am?!
So – I actually felt rather nervous about buying those envelopes because they mean that I’m really going to do this and start opening myself up for countless demoralising rejections – but hey, so?
I’m working now on the treatment as required by the first place I have my eye set on for sending it to – goodness knows why I’m doing the treatment now – I’ve been sort of working on it during the whole thing…. (probably completely the wrong way of going about it mind – however, seems to work for me so far….)
I’ve also been trying to find the correct method of presenting UK scripts – I’m probably not looking in the right places, but I’m stuffed up with the cold too at the moment and so I’m not really thinking clearly… (HA! That’s a joke for anyone who knows me for the true dozey dunderhead that is my usual self!)
So far, I’ve come to a wild conclusion that it’s best to use one of those brass fold back clippy brad-type things…. I think. If anyone knows the correct way – well, I’d be grateful if you’d point me in the right direction!
Right – better get back to that Treatment now…
Time for a celebratory drink and a sandwich I think!