Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Submissions, Web Sites and Sandwiches.

Unsurprisingly, the 'quick look over' of the short story submission this morning took about two and a half hours. I really should know that by now. Anyhoo, did several last minute changes and re-scribbles then just hit the 'send' button and be done with the little blighter. Not holding my breath though.

Had a good meeting via Skype regarding the Dark Harvest web site, which is coming along nicely. The front cover is simply gorgeous! Got until Saturday to get that all sparkly and ready.

On a completely different topic, I watched 'Doom' at the weekend and most enjoyable it was too! And I don't care if I've just lost loads of street-cred points because I don't care. I liked it. So there.

Got to love that bargain bin!

But what about the sandwiches? I hear you cry. Well, I ate them.

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