Sunday, 13 September 2009

Heating Up

Had a really good week. I sent off the first draft of a short piece of fiction I'm doing for a really cool new RPG Sourcebook - can't say what it's about or anything yet - but the whole thing is great and when it comes everyone and their budgie MUST buy it! I have a few little tweaks to do to the story which won't take long and will hopefully improve it.

I got some really good and positive feedback for one of my short scripts 'What Laura Wants' from Graeme over at Beautiful Train which really gave me a huge boost. I'm really grateful to him for taking the time to read it.

I've also been invited by the guys over at to write regular articles for them! I mean how exciting is all this?!!!

Also ticking away is both the spec outline and series outline for 'Swings & Roundabouts' which I'm entering into the BBC Scotland Writes competition. Which reminds me, I still have to book my train tickets for the BBC Writer's Room Roadshow thingy. Must do that. In fact, I must really get on and do all those other things too!

Took some time out yesterday to go to the RAF Leuchars Airshow which was SO much fun. Unfortunately, I didn't anticipate the sun shining and it being warm and I now resemble Lobstra - the giant mutant city-stomping Lobster. There's nothing quite so awe-inspiring as seeing a Lancaster bomber escorted by a Spitfire and a Hurricane as they fly amazingly close by. There were also loads of hot pilots wondering around too when they weren't doing really cool flying stuff.

The Vulcan bomber was jaw droppingly graceful for all it's enormous size - truly astounding, not to mention all the hot pilots there were, sitting casually on their massive bombers.

I took loads of photos but most ended up as completely dull and plane-less blue skies, or just little black blobs in the distance.

And there was pizza. And planes. Oh and did I mention all the hot pilots?

I'm going to have a lie down now.

Mmmmmmmm hot pilots......

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