Monday, 1 June 2009

Scary Bananas!Ret


I’ve done it! I’m not long back from a trip to the Post Office to send off the first ever thing I’ve ever sent off!!!!

I’d planned to get it off on Friday, but when I printed out the treatment and first 10 pages of the script, I noticed so many things that I hadn’t noticed on screen that I literally spent most of the morning and afternoon fixing them. I also did a few last minute changes to the script – taking out a couple scenes that suddenly didn’t seem to be needed.

One of the problems I had, was trying to figure out how to present it all. It seems to be a basic thing that everone seems to think that everyone knows already – so, I’ve sort of played it by ear by what little info I did manage to glean and just…

So, I’ve already probably annoyed people who may see it with my obviously blatant ignorance. Will most likely be a case of ‘Straight to bin you incompetant foollish wannabe!!! Begone! And never grace my desk again with your drivel!”

I need a nice cup of tea now…

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